Our West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.

Tag: emergency medical technicians

First year EMT

Your First Year As An EMT

First year EMT

Whether you are about to enter your first year as an Emergency Medical Technician or you are simply curious about what it will be like, the following will give you a well-informed idea of what to expect.

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Ambulance Advancements

Critical Advancements Made in Patient Transportation

Ambulance Advancements

A recent article by Shawna Whooley was released titled, “More than just a litter: Advances in patient transport.”  As our world continues to advance technologically, so does the equipment for patient transportation, working hard to make ambulance transport smoother and more comfortable for patients.

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3 Pointers EMT

Three Pointers To Becoming an EMT

3 Pointers EMT

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) aid patients who are in medical emergencies. EMTs are typically first on call, and are vital in emergency situations.  If you are considering becoming an EMT, here are some tips to help you get started.

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EMT Training

Courses to Take Throughout EMT Career

EMT Training

In order to become an EMT, the educational aspect of the career can often be extensive. The process does not end upon certification, as a good EMT continues learning throughout his or her career in the field.

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reasons to become an EMT

3 Reasons You Should Become An EMT

reasons to become an EMT


So, you have been giving it some thought, but you’re not quite sure if becoming an Emergency Medical Technician is the right move for you. If this is the first step on your journey, let us point out some of the best aspects of being an EMT.

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