Our West Palm Beach campus is proud to announce that its Associate Degree in Nursing program has been granted initial accreditation from ACEN.

Travel Nurse Job Description

Travel Nurse

Travel Nurses are Nurses who often work in temporary positions, often in hospitals. It is a blanket term given to a wide variety of medical professionals. Travel Nursing provides some different perks that are unique to the field, such as higher pay, professional growth and development, and the opportunity to be more adventurous and care for an array of different patients in various areas.

Many travel Nurses work independently, while others work for health service organizations.

Traveling Nurses typically assist chronically ill or homebound patients, or help medical facilities that are going through staffing shortages. Some Travel Nurses even work for school districts, as many of them hire Traveling Nurses as a financial alternative to help administer medication to specific students.

Many of their duties and services include the following:

  • Administer medication
  • Prepare strict meals for patients
  • Educate family members and caretakers about proper protocol and medical care for patient
  • Conduct follow-up procedures after surgery
  • Administer physical therapy

Education requirements vary for Traveling Nurses. Being a licensed practical Nurse or a registered Nurse greatly improves any Traveling Nurse’s chances of landing a job. All licensed practical Nurses must have certificates from Nursing training programs that have been approved by an official government agency. Bachelor’s degrees in Nursing are also a pre-requisite to become a registered Nurse.

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